Frequently Asked Questions

What is the shelf life of your HPV 31 positive samples?

The shelf life of the HPV 31 Positive sample (Liquid format) is two years from the date of manufacturing.

Do you have a minimum order quantity for your HPV 31 external quality controls?

No, we do not. However, depending on the size of the opportunity, we are open to providing samples so you have the chance to test our product before purchase.

Do you supply similar quality controls for other high-risk HPV types?

Yes, our HPV panel includes external positive quality controls for HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 39, 51, 52, 66, and a high-risk HPV negative 67 in liquid (1mL vials) and swab formats. We also offer inactivated multiplex HPV16/18/45, HPV31/33/66, and HPV39/51/52 liquid and swab products for use with extended high-risk HPV genotyping assays.

What are the expected results after testing the HPV 31 product?

The testing of the product in PCR-based assays for HPV 31 detection should result in a positive finding for HPV 31, including such assays where the presence of human DNA is required for the determination of a positive result.